Art organization
Kotar theater
Umjetnička organizacija Kotar teatar osnovana je 2012. godine s ciljem kreiranja kulturnog programa u Gorskom kotaru.
Kotar teatar djeluje kroz pripremu, organizaciju i izvođenje glazbeno-scenskih djela, kazališnih predstava, festivala, filmskih uradaka, multimedijalnih i umjetničkih performansa, kreativnih radionica, seminara i umjetničkih rezidencija.
Od osnivanja naše Umjetničke organizacije održano je preko 300 događanja u glavnoj organizaciji i/ili suorganizaciji Kotar teatra, a svojim redovnim djelovanjem umjetnička organizacija stvara regionalni centar izvedbenih umjetnosti na okosnici Zagreba, Rijeke i Ljubljane.
Za postignuća u kulturnom sektoru Kotar teatar nagrađen je Godišnjom nagradom Grada Delnica 2016.godine i poveljom grada Delnica za 10.godina djelovanja u 2022.godini.
- Accomplishing the right of the regional population to cultural content and active participation in cultural processes, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
- Encouraging local, regional and international cooperation of independent artists, independent organizations and institutional partners
- Contribution to the decentralization of production and distribution of cultural content at the state level in cooperation with civil society organizations and local self-government units from Gorski Kotar
- Deepening cooperation with existing audiences and developing programs to create new audiences at national and European level
- Production of interdisciplinary cultural content

Artistic director
Theater actor, puppeteer, director and producer. His artistic work is imbued with a series of collaborations with artists, art organizations and cultural institutions. He is the founder of Kotar Theater and Kotar FEST! in Delnice. He studied at the Academy of Arts in Osijek and The Commedia school in Copenhagen. In the last ten years, he worked with theater groups in Croatia, Serbia, Denmark and Finland. In addition to theatrical roles, he holds workshops and residential programs dedicated to the physical aspect of acting. As the artistic director of the Kotar Theater, he organizes and brings cultural content to the increasingly sparsely populated region of Gorski Kotar. As part of the project "Active retirees in Gorski kotar - a program to encourage active aging in the area of Delnice and Gorski kotar", he acted as a project manager, which was co-financed from the European Social Fund and the budget of the Republic of Croatia

Member and deputy artistic director
Theater director and puppeteer, born in 1982 in Zagreb, Croatia. She graduated in theater studies from the Sorbonne in 2008 and graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts de la Marionnette in 2005 in Charleville-Mezieres, France. Since 2008, he has been acting and directing in numerous theater projects in France, Slovenia and Croatia. She was involved in numerous humanitarian projects and produced PIF - International Festival of Puppet Theater from 2009 to 2012. In 2012, she founded the artistic organization Puppet organization we really need - LOFT. LOFT is a member of HC UNIMA and HC ASSITEJ. Since 2015, she has been a member of the Croatian Association of Independent Artists. He leads numerous workshops at faculties, schools, kindergartens, as well as for projects of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. In 2017 becomes a member of the Board of Directors of HC ASSITEJ. She is a professor at the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek. She received awards for her work in the country and abroad.

Technical manager
He graduated from the School of Natural Sciences and Graphics in Rijeka, and gained work experience as an analytical chemist in biotechnology companies. He has always been interested in chemistry and natural sciences, and with the acquisition of knowledge in microbiology, he came up with the idea of founding the Croatian Microscopic Society "Marjan", where he serves as president of the executive board. He acquired additional knowledge by training in the field of psychological assistance in the association "Potencijal" and completed a two-year education in robotics in Rijeka. At the Kotar Theater, he has been working as a permanent external associate as the technical director of guest performances since 2019, and he also works as an assistant in the production of The Man Who Was Afraid to Fall Asleep, I’Lujzijana magic show and Welcome to the CLUB. Participates in the strategic planning of the Kotar Theater and contributes to the development of the artistic organization at the local and regional level.

Permanent external associate
He has been a permanent external collaborator of Kotar Theater since 2021, and will sign the new visual identity (print and web) and promotional materials of Kotar Theater in 2022. He completed graphic design at the Zabok School of Art, Design, Graphics and Clothing, and in 2022 he completed the professional training program in the preparation and implementation of European projects at the EU Projects School. He has work experience as a junior administrative consultant, and currently works as an independent designer.

Permanent external associate
He is a Master of Arts, philosopher and writer. He is the owner and manager of the art studio "Damjan Kovač" in Prezid. So far, he has exhibited works in Russia, America, Japan and other European countries. He is the director and volunteer of the local museum and the Prezid collection, the local museum Čabar and the gallery "Vilim Svečnjak" Čabar. He is a member of the ALUMNI club of the APURI academy and a member of the management board of the Claustra Alpium Iuliarum. He is the author of the books: "Prezid Chronicle" and "The Age of Darkness". As part of the Kotar Theater, he participates as an author in projects; The Man Who Was Afraid to Sleep, I-Louisiana Magic Show and Cartography of the Wilderness.